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Department of Political Science and Public Administration


1st semester

42501Political Science I L. Rori
42502Sociology Ch. Karakostaki
42511ΑInternational and European History I Z. Lialiouti
42523Introduction to Law G. Giannakourou, N.-K. Hlepas
42527ΑIntroduction to International Relations Ek. Athanassopoulou, Ant. Zervaki

2nd semester

42499ΒContemporary Social Theory K. Leledakis
42505Constitutional Principles and Institutions I. Tassopoulos
42529ΒPolitical Economy I: Macroeconomic Theory and Policy N. Koutsiaras
42539ΒModern Greek History G. Theodoridis
42902Political Philosophy I Ch. Platanakis

3rd semester

42540ΓPolitical Communication Z. Lialiouti, K. Leledakis
42541Political Philosophy II Gr. Molivas
42544ΓPublic Administration I M.-El. Pravita
42850ΓEuropean Organisation: Institutions D. Chryssochoou, Ant. Metaxas
42901ΓMethods and Techniques of Social Research I Y. Tsirbas

4th semester

42543ΔMethods and Techniques of Social Research II Y. Tsirbas
Specialisation Elective Courses
42498ΔComparative Politics D. Sotiropoulos, Emm. Tsatsanis
42500The Greek Political System P. Panayiotopoulos
42533Political Science II P. Lekkas, D. Sotiropoulos
42538ΔInternational and European History II N. Yakovaki
42497ΔThe Political System of the E.U. M. Tsinisizelis
42528ΔPolitical Economy II: Modern Microtheory and Regulation An. Chardas
42495ΔFundamental Rights I. Tassopoulos
42496ΔSocial Policy V. Lalioti
42521Administrative Science M. Lampropoulou