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Department of Political Science and Public Administration


Post: Professor

Section: International and European Studies

Expertise: International Institutions: Legal and Political aspects


Contact information

Office telephone: 210 368 8945

Electronic mail: edoussis[at]pspa.uoa[dot]gr

Office address: 6 Themistokleous Street, 4th floor, office 25

Office hours: 


Curriculum Vitae

Emmanuella Doussis is a professor of international institutions and UNESCO Chairholder on Climate Diplomacy. She lectures, among others, on international law and international organizations, environmental policies, climate diplomacy and climate policies. Her interest in environmental issues goes back when she was a student in Paris. After a first master’s in public international law and international organizations, she completed a second one in environmental law (Université Paris I). Since then, environmental policies and, recently, climate change policies, have been at the center of her research interests. Her most recent book explores the role of international law in addressing climate change (International Law and Climate Change Diplomacy, Nomiki Vivliothiki, Athens, 2020).

She has been a visiting professor at several universities in France and a Fulbright visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, USA (2022). She has served as advisor to the rapporteur of the European Economic and Social Committee for the preparation of the opinion on EU Climate Diplomacy. She is currently the director of the master’s programme on Southeast European Studies: politics, history and economics and she coordinates a Jean Monnet module (2024-2027) on climate policies and diplomacy in Southeast Europe.

She has been awarded the 2021 Natural Resources International Legal Specialist Award by the Centre of International Sustainable Development Law and the 2024 award for exceptional academic teaching by the NKUA.

Selected publications

  1. “Sustainable Resources Management through Transparency and Stakeholder Engagement”, in M.-C. Cordonnier-Segger, I. Espa (eds), Sustainable Development in International Law on Natural Resources, Kluwer (under publication).
  2. “Climate change and migration: a difficult equation”, Environment and Law, 3/2023, 317 (in Greek).
  3. “Legal indicators as tools to assess the effectiveness of international rules related to the sustainable management of natural resources” (with Ilaria Espa), in S. Tsani and I. Overland (eds.), Handbook of Sustainable Politics and Economics of Natural Resources, Elgar, 2021, 293.
  4. « Le sort imparable des Zones Économiques Exclusives en Méditerranée : beaucoup de bruit pour rien ? », in M.-P. Lafranchi et R. Mehdi (dir.), La gouvernance internationale de la mer Méditerranée. Questions et évolutions contemporaines, Pedone, Paris, 2021, 41.
  5. “Vers un pacte mondial pour l’environnement : Réflexions sur l’efficacité du droit international de l’environnement”, in Enjeux et perspectives : droit international, droit de la mer, droits de l’homme, Liber Amicorum Haritini Dipla (L. Boisson de Chazournes, Emm. Doussis, G. Andreone, A. Zervaki), Pedone, Paris, 2020, 477.
  6. “The EU external action for the environment and climate change” in Blavoukos S. Et al. (ed.), EU external relations, I. Sideris, 2020, 303 (in Greek).
  7. “Nuances de gris : les conditionnalités du FMI et les droits de l'homme”, in Titi C. (dir.), Droits de l'homme et droit international économique, Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2019, 341.
  8. “L’épopée de la baie de Piran”, Annuaire de Droit de la Mer 2018, tome XXIII, 2019, 155.
  9. “Does International Environmental Law Matter in Sustainable Development?”, Yearbook of International Environmental Law, Vol. 28, 2017, 1.


Detailed Curriculum Vitae