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Department of Political Science and Public Administration


Post: Professor

Section: International and European Studies

Expertise: International Relations, Security Studies and Foreign Policy Analysis


Contact information

Office telephone: 210 368 8931

Electronic mail: ptsakonas[at]pspa.uoa[dot]gr

Office address: 6 Themistokleous Street, 4th floor, office 26

Office hours: 


Curriculum Vitae

Panayotis Tsakonas is Professor of International Relations, Security Studies and Foreign Policy Analysis at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). He is also Director of the MA Program in “International and European Governance and Policy”, Director of the “Institute of Migration and Diaspora Studies” and Head of the “Programme on Security” at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP).

He studied political science, international relations and security studies at the Panteion University of Athens and Reading University, Great Britain. He has been Research Fellow at the Institute of International Relations, Athens (1993-96), post-doctoral Fellow at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University (1998-99), NATO Research Fellow (1999-2000), Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the Macmillan Center for International and Area Studies, Yale University (2003) and Academic Visitor at St Antony’s College, Oxford University (2015).

He has 25 years of academic experience in various Universities in Greece (he has taught for 15 years at the Department of Mediterranean Studies, University of the Aegean, 2003-2018), Germany, United Kingdom, United States, Canada and Turkey. He has also been an invited speaker at a number of academic and policy-oriented institutions, expert meetings around the world and at several international conferences, including BISA, ISA, WISC, ECPR, ASN, LSE "Millennium Conference", Wilson Center-Washington DC.; Wilton Conference-London; Cicero Foundation-Paris; Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS)-Brussels, the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies -China etc.

Professor Tsakonas has served as a member of the Academic/Scientific Boards and Boards of Directors of various institutions in Greece and abroad, e.g., European Organization for Security/EOS, Brussels (2016-2018), the Senate of the Euro-Mediterranean University/EMUNI, Slovenia (2011-2013) and the European Security and Defence College/ESDC, Brussels (2017-today). Apart from his academic experience Professor Tsakonas has been involved in Greece’s policy making in the fields of defense policy, foreign policy, and internal security policy. He worked as Scientific Advisor at the Ministry of National Defense (1996-1998), as Special Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (1999-2003) and as President of the BoD of the Center for Security Studies/KE.ME.A, the think-tank of the Ministry of the Citizen Protection (2016-2018).

Prof. Tsakonas has served for a decade as the co-editor of the academic journal: Etudes Helléniques/Hellenic Studies. He is the co-director of the book series: International and European Studies with Gutenberg Publications and he has also served as external referee for several academic journals, including: Cooperation and Conflict, Foreign Policy Analysis, Global Society, International Migration, Cambridge Review of International Affairs and Mediterranean Politics.

His research and published work (books, monographs, contributions in edited volumes and articles in peer-reviewed academic journals) have been published in Greek, English, German, French and Italian and are mostly related to theory of international relations and foreign policy analysis (FPA), regional security issues, Greek foreign and security policy and Greek-Turkish relations. His publications in professional journals include, inter alia: Etudes Helléniques, Turkish Studies, Journal of Modern Hellenism, Journal of Southeast Europe and Black Sea Studies, Millennium, Politics: The Journal of the British Political Studies Association), Security Dialogue,The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, Welt Trends-Das Außenpolitische Journal etc. He has authored/co-authored and edited/co-edited 12 books. His book: The Incomplete Breakthrough in Greek-Turkish Relations. Grasping Greece’s Socialization Strategy (Palgrave-Macmillan, New York, 2010) was nominated by the Modern Greek Studies Association for the “Edmund Keeley Book Prize”.


Recent publications (Books/Edited Volumes):

  1. The External Relations of the European Union (ed. with S. Blavoukos & D. Bourantonis, I. Sideris Publ., Athens, 2019)
  2. Contemporary Greek Foreign Policy (ed. I. Sideris Publ., Athens, 2019) 
  3. The Helsinki Strategy. 20+1 Years After (ed. I. Sideris Publ., Athens, 2020)
  4. Paving the Way. A Roadmap for Greece’s National Security (with Th. Dokos, I. Sideris Publ., Athens, 2021, 2nd Edition)